Although the middle block was carried over from last year, it has a new structure combining advisory, chapel and study time for a duration of 80 minutes.
“I enjoy the middle block,” freshman Trent Bodnar said. “It gives me time to chill and relax and finish some schoolwork.”
Typically twice a week on C days, middle block was meant to help students study and advance in schoolwork. Many students have enjoyed this time.
“I like the middle block mainly because I can work and collaborate with friends,” Bodnar said. “It helps me complete assignments better.”
To complete assignments, students have different tactics to work and improve their grades. Other people have strategies to study, finish assignments and work ahead for various classes.
“The goal should be to use that time to get as much schoolwork done as possible,” Middle School Dean Jeff Wilson said. “So you are limiting how much homework you have.”
Students have strategies to complete assignments and overall relax and take a break.
“I look at my calendar, and I see what’s due either at midnight today or in the morning tomorrow, and I finish that first,” eighth grader Lorenzo Cavaleri said. “So then I get ahead, and I can have more time at home.”
On Tuesdays, students have an advisory and chapel, but many students can still get assignments done.
“Chapel definitely gets in the way, but most of the time I finished things either way,” Cavaleri said.
Other students say they cannot work on assignments during middle block on days when chapel occurs.
“When we leave for chapel and get back, I don’t have time to do work,” Bodnar said. “Therefore I fall behind.”
Middle block seems like a big hit for the schedule, but isn’t just about finishing assignments. It can also be used as a break in the middle of the day. Some students relieve stress by playing games and talking to fellow students in advisory. But in the end, it is how the student chooses to manage their time.
“I think that your priorities in the eighth grade block period are to learn how to better manage your time,” Instructional Design Specialist Natalie Galed said. “Most importantly to learn how to advocate for yourself.”
Ari • Dec 26, 2021 at 3:57 pm
Great work Justin! So proud of you! Merry Christmas?
Betsy Yanczewski • Dec 1, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Brilliantly written
Great vocabulary
Seems like more advanced then 8th grade
Sheryl Stockstill • Dec 1, 2021 at 11:36 am
Great job Justin! Excellent interviews.
Julia Hoskins • Nov 29, 2021 at 11:06 am
Amazing work! What a great article!