October On the Radar
Junior Jake Bentley is a superstar of the gridiron. He leads the team and is fourth in the division for tackles. He is helping rejuvenate the Saints football program.
The Girls Cross Country team is off to a strong start at the Katie Caples Invitational. They boasted seven runners under the time of 23 minutes in the five kilometer race.
Eighth grader Charlie Tang is the number two seed on the varsity golf team. Tang was invited to the 2012 Junior Masters and hopes to take the team to a district championship.
Christina Marchena enters her final season with the Saints. Marchena and fellow seniors Kelly Delgado and Jane Gibbons look to lead the team to another very successful season.
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About the Contributor

Daniel Stein enters his fourth and final year on The Voice as the Editor-in-Chief. Over the years he’s learned a lot: how to throw a mean curve ball, mastered the art gator wrestling and studied Confucianism on Mount Wu Tai Shan in China. If he were to describe himself in three words, they would be as follows: Hard-working. Alpha Male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable. He hopes to lead his squad of newspaper minions to another successful year, but not before some static stretching.