From Moscow, Russia, to Brooklyn, New York, and Orlando, Florida, ceramics teacher Vadim Malkin has taken a long path with many twists and turns that led him to teach at Trinity Prep.
Growing up in the Soviet Union led to a hard childhood for Malkin. Unlike the United States, he was unable to go outside and walk the streets, or have a bag of candy readily available. However, at the age of 9, Malkin and his family moved to Brooklyn, New York. His eyes were opened to a new world full of fresh adventures and diverse cultures to explore.
“I grew up in the Soviet Union when I was in Russia, so [my childhood] was a little different,” Malkin said. “ e Soviet Union was very much like America was in the 1960s, but this was the ’80s.”
From a young age, an appreciation for the arts was instilled in Malkin. Both his father and grandparents were artists and encouraged him to follow in their footsteps.
“We did art lessons every Saturday, so [different techniques were] the kind of thing I always did [growing up],” Malkin said.
Early on, Malkin learned traditional drawing and painting techniques. However, he majored in ceramics at the University of Central Florida. He had always done a little bit of ceramics, but he decided he had a true passion for it and could see it as a job.
“I was originally planning to do graphic design in college, but one of my art history professors talked me out of the idea of sitting infront of a computer all day and said that would be extremely boring, and I agreed with him,” Malkin said. “I changed to ceramics as a major and from there just kind of spiraled into it. I really loved it and here I am.”
After college, Malkin became a full-time artist doing ceramics while still continuing his love for all art forms like painting, drawing and portraying still-lives. He continued to different art techniques on the side with a main focus on ceramics.
After college and working for a while, he was offered a job at Lake Howell, where he became a full-time ceramics and art teacher. Six years later, he came to teach at Trinity Prep.
“My favorite part [of teaching is] seeing students grow, like when you start with a student and they’ve never touched clay, and then by the end of the semester, they’re completely transformed,” Malkin said.
Ceramics allows for students to be introduced into new topics and concepts of art that they previously did not know.
“I feel like [ceramics] has opened new ideas for me, giving me … a deeper perspective of art and understanding hard work,” sophomore art student Kinsley Wood said.
Not only does teaching bring Malkin joy, but his students feel the same joy for ceramics and an appreciation for art after they leave his class.
“Then you found this love for clay and you made that little difference in their life, and they’re always going to enjoy that no matter what they do in their careers,” Malkin said. “ they’re always going to have that little hankering for clay, and I love to see my students that have graduated, and they’re still involved in clay.”
Ceramics and all other art forms allow students to show their creativity and take a break in the day from their other stressful core classes.
“I find that my little corner of the world is a little haven for creative freedoms, and I’ve really enjoyed being that little bit of creativity for students,” Malkin said.
Malkin also enjoys creating his own pieces like “The Score,” which is a squirrel on an acorn. Malkin described the piece as a culmination of strategy, instinct and luck that all come together. Malkin works hard to achieve a comforting space for all students to achieve their creative potential.
“[The classes are] fun and uplifting,” Wood said. “There’s always music and you’re free to just be yourself and work while talking to others or just keep to yourself, but you can basically be, however you want in the room.”
While many students love the ability to express their creativity through their ceramics, many also and it an outlet where they can destress and relax from their other issues at home or with school.
“[One student of mine sent] a letter [saying] this class had prevented her from committing suicide because it made her want to continue [living], so that was like, wow, this does matter,” Malkin said.