2020 Vision: Presidential Candidates on the Issues
About the Contributors

Andrew Bachrach, News Editor
Andrew Bachrach is a senior at Trinity Prep, and is entering his second and final year on the Voice staff as the News Department Editor. When he’s not watching soccer highlights instead of paying attention in class, Andrew spends his free time competing with the TPS Speech and Debate team, volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, or yelling at the TV while watching sports. Andrew can be found trying to park his car between the lines for once, or searching for a Peruvian restaurant in Orlando that will (sadly) never open. Contact at bachracha[email protected].

Jaidyn Holt, Graphics and Layout Editor
Jaidyn Holt is a senior entering for her second year on staff as the graphics editor and layout editor. When she’s not busy with school or making the long commute there, she enjoys drawing, learning languages, and catching up on The Big Bang Theory. Contact her at [email protected].
Matthew Mapa, Editor-in-Chief
Matthew Mapa is a senior entering his fourth year on staff. He is an Editor-in-Chief who also creates infographics and online content. When he’s not going to class on Google Meets, he can be found debating on Zoom, cooking, and coming up with creative folder names to embarrass himself with in newspaper.