Coming all the way from Essen, Germany, exchange student Hanna Becker, makes her way to Trinity Prep for her sophomore year. Following in her parents footsteps Becker comes ready to soak up one year of the American high school experience.
“Both my parents [did] exchange years and they both told me that those years were incredible and that they found so many friends, experienced new things, learned about other cultures,” Becker said. “It was always a plan, I wanted to go to the US because I wanted to improve my English skills. And also there’s so many cultures and so many people [in the US].”
Becker was welcomed to America with open arms from her peers.
“People would go to you and ask you like, who are you? How are you?.” Becker said.
Not only has Becker’s friends made her feel very welcomed, Becker’s teachers did as well.
“They’re super, super nice, what I realized is that teachers at Trinity, really care about their students,” Becker said. “If you have a question, you can go to them afterwards and ask, and they will really try to help you, German teachers try to do so as well, but it’s just a lot more students that they have to take care of. The people here have take their time to help you.”
Much of Becker’s life is similar to trinity students, Becker has a seven year old younger sister plays volleyball, runs for fun, and will be doing cross country at Trinity. One thing about Germany that sets its apart is the use of public transportation, it is used daily for most people. The legal driving age is 18 which makes public transportation so much more useful.
“I [go] nearly everywhere with public transportations. I don’t need my parents to drive me anywhere.” Becker said.
Becker is adjusting to the American life, and not only that but also adjusting to the huge packaging here in America.
“Target, Costco. Everything is so big.” Becker said, “What are you planning on doing with such huge packaging? What are you trying to feed with that?”
Becker is excited for what is to come throughout this year, to meet new people, and to experience America through a real American point of view.
“Americans are just very open and very kind and they really want to show you their way of living,” Becker said.