Ever since Jon Stewart hosted “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central, it has been considered one of the wittiest and best-written late-night talk shows on air. Trevor Noah became the host in 2015. Young and fresh, Noah brings a new edgy comedy to the show that the previous host John Stewart wasn’t able to bring. With the success of the show, Noah now does nationwide tours. On Jan. 27th, Trevor Noah performed at the Bob Carr Theatre in Orlando.
The show was so popular that Noah had two time slots to see him live: 7 PM and 10 PM. Those who’ve watched “The Daily Show” know it’s known for its humorous slant on current events. I was expecting the show to be filled with lots of jokes and stabs at current politics. To my pleasant surprised it wasn’t. Noah took a break from his political satire to create a comedy show that was utterly hilarious. One of my favorite jokes of the night was about his trip to Bali. Unlike most jokes, this one was a story he was telling that was filled with unusual events. What seemed like a normal vacation turned into a hilarious adventure featuring snobby French and ignorant American tourists, a tour guide who barely speaks English and a savage Black mamba.
The audience even learned about Noah’s personal background; he was born in South African to a Swedish dad and South African mom. He talked about how his mother was the most gangster person he’s ever known and how he loved her for it. Noah even talked about his first time moving to the United States and discovering what tacos were.
Like most people nowadays, Noah poked fun at millenials, him being one too, and their terrible music choices. He commented on the fact that he even loves rap music, but today’s rappers sound like toddlers crying and complaining. From the gathering of the audience members around me, everyone was dying of laughter. This was an amazing chance to see him live, but for those who missed it, you can still catch his witty jokes Monday thru Thursday on Comedy Central.